013010/unexpected changes

I realize that I am a very indecisive person.

So Aileen messaged me through Facebook the other day telling me she could get me into Begonia's last Psyche and Behavior of Pilipinos class before he retires. AAS 355.

Of course I would want to. Why not? That class was almost my sole reason for coming to SFSU in the first place. But 355 = upper division = more work. And taking it would mean dropping my Astronomy class, leaving me with all social science and ethnic studies classes. In other words, a buttload of reading.

But for once, I went against what I would normally do and I called Aileen, told her to get me in. I don't know what got a hold of me, but I remember thinking, this is my last chance, to be a part of something bigger than myself. Yeah, that might be a bit melodramatic, but I think you catch my drift.

So here I am, going down the academic rabbit hole. This next semester will require a lot of reading and thinking critically; it may very well be the death of me. I admit that I might have stepped into something that is way over my head, but all I am thinking is, fuck yeah, bring it on.

"Whatever doesn't kill you will only make you stronger."