now that it's over...

i have so many mixed emotions right now, but none are truly sad or disappointed. i've had a good run in high school. there are no regrets.

and after finally reading what people wrote in my yearbook (cause i actually waited until after graduation), i am on such a natural high. i wish i could go back into some yearbooks and change what i wrote, make it more emotional, cause at the time, i had no idea what to say. most of my yearbook writings are rants. i have never realized that i have made such a big influence in people's lives before, and it makes me so happy. because isn't that what people want? to be able to go through life and connect with at least one person? and so it seems i have done that in high school with at least a few, by just being who i am. and it really is nice to have a group of people who will let you be yourself, and they truly appreciate you for it. i swear, down the road, if i ever think about killing myself, i will just turn to my senior yearbook, and i will be happy again. and so to those who have made an influence on my own life, who i truly appreciate for just being yourself, thank you. i know this does not suffice and i am lame at writing in yearbooks. i owe you all a sappy letter. one love.

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