013010/unexpected changes

I realize that I am a very indecisive person.

So Aileen messaged me through Facebook the other day telling me she could get me into Begonia's last Psyche and Behavior of Pilipinos class before he retires. AAS 355.

Of course I would want to. Why not? That class was almost my sole reason for coming to SFSU in the first place. But 355 = upper division = more work. And taking it would mean dropping my Astronomy class, leaving me with all social science and ethnic studies classes. In other words, a buttload of reading.

But for once, I went against what I would normally do and I called Aileen, told her to get me in. I don't know what got a hold of me, but I remember thinking, this is my last chance, to be a part of something bigger than myself. Yeah, that might be a bit melodramatic, but I think you catch my drift.

So here I am, going down the academic rabbit hole. This next semester will require a lot of reading and thinking critically; it may very well be the death of me. I admit that I might have stepped into something that is way over my head, but all I am thinking is, fuck yeah, bring it on.

"Whatever doesn't kill you will only make you stronger."

012710/35mm at paddy's and day 3 at school

One random day Gretchine texted me to see if I was free and a few hours later we were at Paddy's, eating fancy baked treats and having game night with her cousins. We stayed for the performance by Jumoke, who has a voice comparable to John Legend. Highlights of the night: winning in Sequence and having a song dedicated to me.

Today was not so bad either. I'm beginning to like my Monday/Wednesday classes a bit more than my Tuesday/Thursday classes because the people in them are much more pleasant to be around. I met three new people in my social science class, including an apprentice to a tattoo artist and a 22-year-old sophomore. She's been going to school part time because of work, and after this semester, she'll finally be able to start work on her upper division courses.

012510/35mm at city hall

The day we watched Wicked.

School started today. Raza Experience and a social science class with a name that is too long to remember. And now for some simple math:

Raza Experience + social science < Wicked

012410/so long, winter break

It was nice hanging out with you these past few weeks, but now I've got to go. It really has nothing to do with you. There's someone else: school. But I'll see you in about a year. Please don't take this personally.

Overall, it was a successful break: Christmas with the group, holiday activities, thrifting, baking, getting back to writing down my dreams, reading, loitering at Borders, sewing curtains and pillows, painting a Munny, lazing around with my dog, attempting to work out, grabbing inspiration, writing, watching the first three seasons of 30 Rock, and doing possible video projects.

A little disappointed that I didn't get in any leisure reading. But I did have some fun with my disposable cameras. Those pictures will be up soon enough, in all their 35mm glory.

011810/happy anniversary

Just a little something I made. Sadly, this is all I have to offer because of my lack of sufficient funds to get you anything else. Hope you like it :)

011310/defying gravity

Today could have possibly been the best day. Ever.

I am so, so happy that my parents gave in to my guilt-tripping them and let me watch Wicked today with a few wonderful people. Sure, we might have wasted our time walking the wrong way down market street, wandered aimlessly around an odd-smelling and seagull-infested farmer's market, hopelessly ventured around the scary streets of the tenderloin looking for a good place to eat, and had several close encounters with the mentally ill at Carl's Jr., but in the end it was all worth it.

Wicked was wicked good. I'm pretty sure that was the first time I burst out into tears because of pure joy. I still tear up a little bit just thinking about it. Definitely something I will never forget.

011110/meet me in wonderland

Tim Burton&Johnny Depp&Anne Hathaway&Lewis Carroll.
Plus, the actress who plays Alice is completely perfect.
I want to go to there.

011010/new beginnings

Was seriously tempted to delete all of my posts from the previous year. I have a thing for fresh starts.

Ten days into the new year, I realize that I haven't really made any resolutions for myself. This year, I want to try and be more open-minded and optimistic on my outlook on life and the people I encounter in it. I have a nasty habit of judging people before I even meet them.

I think I will also try and use this blog more. I deleted my xanga from middle school and I deeply regret it because it would've been an interesting thing to look back on. But now that I have this blog, it should be easy to document the happenings in my life, so long as I don't become lazy.

2010, here I come.