
I hate the mall. I hate everyone who thinks it is fun to hang out at the mall. I love the photobooths at the mall.

I bought a couple of disposable cameras the other day. That's right, bringing back film. The rest of winter break, here I come.

121909/a few words

Looking through all the photos of me on Facebook, I realize how fun my life must look.

Thank you, Facebook. And thank you, camera-whoring friends. Here's to more of that.

120409/the silver lining

My last final is on the 21st at 8:00 in the morning.

Winter break is my sole motivation. Hello, stress-free vacation. Finally, I can nurture my creative side.

Things I am looking forward to: Christmas with the group, holiday activities, thrifting, baking, getting back to writing down my dreams, reading, loitering at Borders, sewing curtains and pillows, painting a Munny, lazing around with my dog, attempting to work out, grabbing inspiration, writing, watching the first three seasons of 30 Rock, and doing possible video projects.

I don't plan on going to school today. Instead, I'll commence the process of writing my ethnic studies papers. Let the crunch time begin.

120109/bombed that ethnic studies quiz

Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating. But seriously, it was not good. Most likely, B or C quality. Why didn't anyone around me have the correct answer to #22? At least my trivial knowledge of Fresh Prince and my fascination with lower income housing in Seattle helped me get that extra credit question right. At least the final in that class is a take home, three essays. I can rock the shit out of an essay.

On a happier note, I got an A+ on my group presentation in Comm. That's right, 100 fucking percent. I know, brilliant.

112909/the underground city is in montreal

If I ever go to Canada, I need to go there. I told Ryan's mom to go there during her trip to Canada, but I failed to realize that she was going to Vancouver, and Vancouver and Montreal are two different places.

At today's failed attempts at studying for my ethnic studies quiz on Tuesday, I realize that I really don't know how to study. It was never really necessary for me all throughout middle school and high school. So now here I am, lacking any type of study skills.

I want to go thrifting for more winter jackets. San Francisco is wayyy too cold for me.

112809/early rising

Urban Outfitters after the morning rush, Ryan resting on scantily clad mannequin's shoulder.

Yesterday was probably the only day I would willingly wake up at 2am. It was weird waking up so early, considering I only went to bed a couple of hours earlier. I didn't even have morning breath yet.

So Urban was alright. The last time I saw so many irritating people all in one place was when I was in high school. It reminded me of how much I hated it there. I don't understand how these people do it, up at 4am in their cute fits, hair done nice with makeup on and errthang. And then there were people like me, hair messily tied and wearing a sweatshirt. I didn't even bother to put on my contacts. By the time it was 5am (opening time), there was a huge blob--not even a line--surrounding the entrance, me and Ryan somewhere in the middle of it all.
Going into the store was like getting sucked into a black hole. Of course, I just went with the flow for fear of being trampled on. The lines were ridiculous, bitches were being pushy, and most everything was in some sort of disarray. Not to mention, I was undoubtedly malnourished and on the verge of fainting since I was running on three hours of sleep, half a piadinni and a white chocolate mocha from Starbucks, the only established restaurant open that early in the morning. These kids are crazy. I don't know how they do it.

There were some pretty good deals, although I'm still not done with my Christmas shopping. In fact, I feel a bit guilty for buying myself stuff. Went home around 9am because I couldn't take it anymore. Me and Ryan crashed on my couch for a bit before eating Thanksgiving leftovers. The rest of the day I either felt sleepy, hungry, or a combination of both. I closed my eyes to let them rest around 9pm, and I didn't open them again until this morning. Best day ever.


Devon's 1st birthday, adventures in threading, boo boo on my bed

My week so far has been pretty eventful. However, I still lack in the pictures department, so these few blurry, bad photos are all I have to show for it. You know, my New Year's resolution for 2009 was to take pictures of everything. I was going pretty strong until I broke my flash after dropping my camera about a hundred times. But this week was good, and I have my memories to back me up. I promise I'll be better at documenting everything from now on.


Because of budget cuts, class cuts, and fee hikes, pretty much every UC and CSU in the state has already had its share of rallies and strikes. I don't know if anyone else feels the way I do, but when I see chalk writings on all concrete surfaces imaginable telling me to go to the next rally to fight budget cuts, I can't help but roll my eyes. Sure, budget cuts at colleges are a serious issue--especially at SF State, have you seen the new schedules for next semester? I glanced at them and my first thought was, this cannot be all the available classes. But I seriously don't think these petty little rallies hold the answer to our problems. For one, most times we have to cut class--the thing we are fighting to maintain--to do them. Another good point is that these strikes aren't doing enough to make an impact. They are just a small irritance to those who are approving these budget cuts and fee hikes.

I think Adriel Luis of Illiteracy found a better way to solve our problems:
Organize a quarter-off. It will be the easiest revolution ever. Take a vacation. Get a job. Do something you’ve always wanted to do. Get away from school. You know how easy this will be to sell to other college students. You/Mom/Dad won’t have to pay ridiculous school fees. You won’t have to pay back student loans yet. You can earn extra money. You can organize an educational trip to Madrid or Paris or Argentina, etc. No midterms or finals. AND it’s for a cause??? Watch how quick those fees drop if you can convince even a quarter of those undergraduates how easy, beneficial, and personally advantageous taking a quarter off of school can be. They will start negotiating even if they catch word that you are actively organizing a college strike. A REAL strike. A strike that YOU can afford at this point of your life. They can’t. And that’s where your power lies. In the extreme case that this doesn’t work, you can and will go back or, if you really can’t afford it, drop out of UC Davis. But this is what the situation would have forced you to do anyways. There is no real loss for you.
If this was done on a wide enough scale, I could definitely see this working. Not only will it cause the system to lose money, this would show that the students are serious in their demands. The only thing is getting people on board. I myself would be hesitant to do this for a number of reasons. But could you imagine how successful this could be, if done right?


Okay, I seriously cannot find any of these things at my house no matter how hard I look. I keep thinking they will show up, but to no avail. So if you know where these things are, please let me know. I've been going crazy wondering why I can't find them:

  • green knotted rosary
  • gold gun silhouette necklace
  • black ballet shoes
  • silver butterfly ring

procrastinating like hell

Instead of focusing on my homework today, I: tried out some new things with the blog (currently still under construction cause I finally gave in and did my reading for philosophy), hungrily browsed through old posts of some of my favorite fashion blogs, checked facebook every five seconds without any intentions of doing anything on it, and replayed Eric and Vivian's cover of "Fallin' For You" a numerous amount of times.

Still trying to neglect doing anything productive by posting up pictures of pestering pigeons on Powell (actually, Union Square, but try saying that ten times fast) and listening to three different versions of MGMT's "Electric Feel" nonstop.



"Back in the day, when I was young, I'm not a kid anymore but sometimes I sit and wish I was a kid again."
Remember when we all had xangas, nd we all used to blog lyk dis? It's funny looking back at that kind of stuff, the beginning of life as it is now. The countless pictures snapped by Kristel and Vivian's cameras, the basketball court, CONCOORD. The gendercists, of which some have become dear, dear friends. And the izzles! I still can't believe I let anyone call me mizzle. HAHA. It's a wierd experience getting all sentimental about this now, especially since it's just Veteran's Day and nothing special pertaining to my friendships, but I never would've thought that I would still be so close to the people I met in the eighth grade. It wasn't expected, especially since someone told me that I would hang out with a whole new set of people in highschool. I think if we've made it this far, then these friendships will stand the test of time.

my newest friend

Can you believe some people?? So, here I am at the school bookstore, just perusing through a book, when:

guy: What is that you're reading?
me: (shows cover)
guy: The...the sar....sat...the sarto..what does that say?
me: The sartorialist.
guy: The sartorialist!
me: (I continue reading, trying to ignore him, but he keeps standing next to me, watching me while I look through the book)
guy: (after a few awkward minutes) So what is that book about?
me: (puts down book and walks away)


Facebook, Tumblr, and Blogger should be on lockdown when I have two papers due on Friday and a midterm on Thursday that I need to study for.

Damn technology.

You know, a few weeks ago, when I was introduced to this crazy college workload, I was contemplating dropping out and running away to Amsterdam to find myself. But in the middle of packing, I realized that I was overreacting and I went back to writing my papers. As it turns out, I’m pretty well-equipped for college. I got A’s on both of the papers I had written, as well as my presentation in Comm.

Lesson learned? That I should stop being so damn lazy, that I’m the shit when it comes to writing a college-level paper (no thanks to Mr. Ryan), and that I should really consider a career in writing.

remember when...

It's funny how these can now be thought of as the good ol' days. Compared to college, AP Stat was like reading Dr. Seuss to a room full of six-year-olds. Midterms are killer, especially with five mini essays--actual, legit essays and not short answer essay questions--for Philosophy due Monday, some unknown take home thing, possibly another essay, for Ethnic Studies due next Thursday, an English paper about websites due next Wednesday, and, apparently, another speech presentation for Comm which might also be next week. Not to mention that damn reading. I have a lot on my mind right now. This probably isn't the best time to be blogging.

On a brighter note--and only Ghemie would understand this--I'm in love with Balmain's new collection. Makes me want to go out and get a worthy blazer.

i sleep later and later each day

How is it even conceivable to be this tired? This week has been hell when it came to balancing school work, keeping up with friends, and staying devoted to all my television shows. Still furious at the fact that my dad interrupted my gossip girl recording to watch house. The only thing keeping me sane is the yoga sessions with the girls. Relieved that my first serious english paper is over and done with, but i still have to deal with formulating a speech complete with visual aid, presentation on Thursday. Not to mention all this reading for my philosophy class. I need retail therapy. I need sleep.

blame corporate america

SF on a normal day
The weather in San Francisco has been so wonderful lately and it angers me because I have no clothes for the weather, unless I want to wear white v-necks everyday, of which I have, like, five. What happened to the pre-concieved notion that the city is cold as fuck? I needs me some shopping. I'm having withdrawals. I also need a nice slouchy striped cardigan. Or else I will cease to exist.

"The main reason why today's generation isn't able to organize and start another cultural revolution is because they are too distracted by corporate america."
-Roger Alvarado


Honestly, when my cousin called today, I expected something to be up. I mean, she never calls to tell me how incredibly awesome her day went. But instead of hearing about some boy drama or church drama or momma drama, I find out that my tatay (really, my lolo, but we all call him that) has died. Even right now, putting this down, I'm at a loss for words.

I have way too many thoughts in my head right now. When my nanay died a few months before, it didn't seem to affect me that much. So why am I so upset about tay dying? Really, the last time I saw him was when I was, like, six. But...I don't know..I don't, I really don't.

I still remember when he was here for our family reunion, and I used to live in my old house. He used to smoke then, and I remember seeing him outside in the front smoking once. And I went up to him and told him that he shouldn't smoke because it was bad for him. And my mom told me that he was so shocked that I said that to him, insulted even. But when my mom went back to the Philippines a few years back, she told me that tatay wanted to let me know that he didn't smoke anymore, and the reason was because of me.

He had a stroke about a year ago, and ever since my mom has kept saying that she would finally take us all to the Philippines so we could see him for one last time before he died. I really wish we made that trip, but I guess it's better that I didn't see him suffer. The stroke made his face sag on one side. My auntie had to hire someone to take care of him because he was in such need of attention.

I asked my mom how it happened, and she said that he just stopped breathing. He said he had to go because nanay was waiting for him. I guess that's a good way to go. It sounds peaceful. At least he's in a better place now.

happy birthday terry chhour

i'm still getting you that jamba juice. enjoy your special day! or...night...

you know how there are those people who talk so loud that you can't help but overhear their conversations? yeah, just one of many:

guy: i am so in love with puppies. whenever i see someone with a puppy, i just have to go up to them. i can't help it.
girl: so it's a good thing there are no axe murderers running around with puppies in their hands.
guy: well, i'm a sadist, so i think if i ever met an axe murderer with a puppy, it would be fine.

i would say something, but frankly, this one doesn't need my comment. happy birthday terry!

how can the search for an arche affect the way we actually live our lives? why might our conclusions have practical applications?

if the above title confuses you, such is my brain for an hour every monday, wednesday, and friday in my intro to philosophy and religion class. don't you just love heated discussions where the topic is whether a chemical reaction or electric spark happens in your brain before, during, or after a thought? yeahh...

so kristel and ghemie came to visit us college kids at sfsu today. thanks again for the pleasant..ahem..surprise, although i don't know if your intentions were pure. kidding. oh, and terry was this close to making nice with the clan of yu-gi-oh players who play in the basement by the stairs. he chickened out last minute. said he needed backup from the rest of the guys cause these dudes by the stairs were on a higher caliber. professional mats and all, say what?

haha, i love college.

time machine

uncle ben, mom, auntie babes

cowboy ties. i think it's cute that they're matching.

i am not jeff

me: (bumps into friend) hey! how are you?
friend: hey, come meet my friend. monica, this is jeff. jeff, this is monica.
(so i was about to say, "hi, my name is monica" and then i realized she already introduced me, so i thought i would say, "hi jeff.")
me: hi, my name is...jeff???
jeff: what???
me: oh wow, i'm so embarrassed right now...hahaha (i laugh nervously, which kinda comes off as laughing crazily)
jeff: okay...
me: okay, gonna go get lunch. bye...

i don't think i can face jeff ever again.

glorifying college

i hate how crowded it was. i hate how everywhere i turned on the smoke-free campus, someone was lighting up or puffing away. i hate how i have to leave union city two hours before class starts in order to get decent seating.

but really, today was a great day. my first teacher is super sweet and had us do icebreakers, which may have been completely awkward, but hey, great way to make new friends. my second teacher is an avid gambler and die-hard giants fan and is absolutely hilarious. i had fun in class. i just think i have issues when it comes to being on campus but not actually in class.

teacher: i know a lot of you are trying to add into my class. if you're a graduating senior or a giants fan, you're first priority.
random girl: DODGERS!!
teacher: what did you just say??
random girl: you heard me!
teacher: are you trying to add into my class?
random girl: no, i'm already in this class. you're stuck with me.
teacher: i could always drop you.
random girl: well, in that case...
teacher: seriously, don't mess with me today, guys. i'm in a bad mood. after that game yesterday, i really feel like committing a hate crime.

yeah, that really happened.

riding boots

we who see leather lace-up boot, dolce vita equestrian boot, and we who see fringe rodeo boot, urban outfitters

sigghhhhhh....still working on finding a job.

feeling pretty lame.

the idea of school makes me depressed. seriously. i want another whole month of summer. even my brother starts school after me. time to start hoarding summer memories.

workout inspired

ogorgeous mat bags for pilates and yoga

i know, i only signed up for unlimited yoga and pilates classes for a month. and i know, these mat bags are wayy out of my price range. but i can dream, can't i? very cute indeed, and the coolest part is, they are all the brainchildren of jackelyn's older sister, entrepeneur-extraordinaire, cassey. jealous, much? i am.

a day in the life...

my dog got into a little brawl with a skunk today and got her ass beat. twice. while it is such a bitch to get the smell out and it saddens me that she is stuck sleeping in the garage (i can hear her barking and whining from my room), i also find it utterly hilarious. if animals were able to talk, i'm pretty sure this is exactly how things would've gone down.

hershey: whoa, what is that? is that a skunk? hey, bitch, get off my yard. (runs up to skunk)
skunk: who you callin a bitch, ho? (sprays hershey in the face)
hershey: what the hell was that? (rolls around in the grass to get the smell out) muhhfucka, it's on! you think i'm scared of you? trampy-ass skunk. (runs up to skunk again)
skunk: (sprays hershey in the face again) shoulda learned your lesson the first time, bitch.


my best friend kristel now has a blog. go embrace it and all of its cheesy pinkness here.

kristel, welcome to the dark side. now who's next?

church camraderie

my feet are sore, my face is peeling, and i have been squeezed of all energy. worth it. i pretty much lived and breathed the milk jug booth at st. anne this weekend, and i enjoyed every second of it. i've anticipated this weekend for so long, and now that it's over, i'm pretty much ready to go back to the daily grind of school. shocking, isn't it? seriously though, nothing i do for the rest of summer can touch this weekend.i took so many pictures this past weekend (about 118), that i had to do thangs ghemie-style and bust out the collages in order to fit in as much of my favorite pictures as possible. no easy feat, since there are over 100 pictures and i'm in love with almost all of them.
successful picture-taking for once. thinking i should leave my camera lying around more often so i get as many pictures as this weekend. or maybe it was because barely anyone else had their camera with them?festival highlights: outdoor mass at eight in the morning, missing the milkjug, searching for it in storage, finding a replacement, playing in the obstacle course, playing with kim's dog, discovering balloons as advertisement, paolo mistaking danielle for me, hamburgers and funnel cakes galore, the guys taking over the booth and scaring away all my volunteers, gretchine getting a six-dollar shirt for only two dollars...the rest of the time was chill, sat and observed passersby in the shade, sheilded from 8o-something degree weather. it's funny watching all the high-school kids pass, knowing that i used to be them only a few years ago, aimlessly walking around and saying hi to everyone. it makes me feel old. it also makes me feel superior, but maybe i shouldn't admit that.

broke as hell and i need a job.

enough said.

cause i have nothing else to say:

love love LOVE those sideburns.

i sense a diy project coming along...

amaaaaazing. made by kristine from the 12th

inspiration has struck. i think i'm heading over to michael's today. i'll let you know how this turns out.

emmy nominated

the flight of the conchords being nominated for multiple emmys means more to me than you know. if you don't know who they are, get to know them. i'm naming my children after these guys, in a non-creepy sort of way.

adventures in berkeley

silly me, i forgot to take pictures again.

that actually really pisses me off, it was such a nice day in berkeley, and so many people out too. minus ten thousand cool points. 93482304803-10000. succesfully sold stuff at buffalo exchange and with my newly gained funds got a necklace and some colorful flats. walked down telegraph and found urban outfitters, got a plaid shirt for $5. also got stuff at the flea market on ashby, which i thought was a bit of a let down. but hey, all the stuff i got today only cost me around $22 out of my own pocket. oh, happy day.

gaahhhh, still wishing i took pictures.


photos by jeremy brooks

today, i washed my face with warm water for the first time since the start of summer.

cold water > warm water.

since monday i have found a rad red jacket at the thrift store, pulled a semi all-nighter on the webcam, slept in, baked peanut butter cookies...

...watched an early bird showing of the sixth harry potter installment, and ate at juan more taco. all things i have not yet done this summer. i would feel pretty accomplished, except i have no pictures and therefore no proof.

this makes me feel a lot better about myself:


sf with the san miguel clan and their australian cousins. accents and all. nick's crispy tacos, tutti melon (serves gelato?), lombard street, and pier 39. pure tourist antics, all the way. i need to make it a goal to explore all parts of san francisco as a tourist.

last minute plans

well, sort of. we're not really known for our spontaneity. was the hour and a half drive up to tracy worth it for some sonic fries and shakes? i believe it was. now i know how harold and kumar felt on their journey to white castle. except without neil patrick harris and the jaguar...and the weed.