how can the search for an arche affect the way we actually live our lives? why might our conclusions have practical applications?

if the above title confuses you, such is my brain for an hour every monday, wednesday, and friday in my intro to philosophy and religion class. don't you just love heated discussions where the topic is whether a chemical reaction or electric spark happens in your brain before, during, or after a thought? yeahh...

so kristel and ghemie came to visit us college kids at sfsu today. thanks again for the pleasant..ahem..surprise, although i don't know if your intentions were pure. kidding. oh, and terry was this close to making nice with the clan of yu-gi-oh players who play in the basement by the stairs. he chickened out last minute. said he needed backup from the rest of the guys cause these dudes by the stairs were on a higher caliber. professional mats and all, say what?

haha, i love college.

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