112809/early rising

Urban Outfitters after the morning rush, Ryan resting on scantily clad mannequin's shoulder.

Yesterday was probably the only day I would willingly wake up at 2am. It was weird waking up so early, considering I only went to bed a couple of hours earlier. I didn't even have morning breath yet.

So Urban was alright. The last time I saw so many irritating people all in one place was when I was in high school. It reminded me of how much I hated it there. I don't understand how these people do it, up at 4am in their cute fits, hair done nice with makeup on and errthang. And then there were people like me, hair messily tied and wearing a sweatshirt. I didn't even bother to put on my contacts. By the time it was 5am (opening time), there was a huge blob--not even a line--surrounding the entrance, me and Ryan somewhere in the middle of it all.
Going into the store was like getting sucked into a black hole. Of course, I just went with the flow for fear of being trampled on. The lines were ridiculous, bitches were being pushy, and most everything was in some sort of disarray. Not to mention, I was undoubtedly malnourished and on the verge of fainting since I was running on three hours of sleep, half a piadinni and a white chocolate mocha from Starbucks, the only established restaurant open that early in the morning. These kids are crazy. I don't know how they do it.

There were some pretty good deals, although I'm still not done with my Christmas shopping. In fact, I feel a bit guilty for buying myself stuff. Went home around 9am because I couldn't take it anymore. Me and Ryan crashed on my couch for a bit before eating Thanksgiving leftovers. The rest of the day I either felt sleepy, hungry, or a combination of both. I closed my eyes to let them rest around 9pm, and I didn't open them again until this morning. Best day ever.

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