011010/new beginnings

Was seriously tempted to delete all of my posts from the previous year. I have a thing for fresh starts.

Ten days into the new year, I realize that I haven't really made any resolutions for myself. This year, I want to try and be more open-minded and optimistic on my outlook on life and the people I encounter in it. I have a nasty habit of judging people before I even meet them.

I think I will also try and use this blog more. I deleted my xanga from middle school and I deeply regret it because it would've been an interesting thing to look back on. But now that I have this blog, it should be easy to document the happenings in my life, so long as I don't become lazy.

2010, here I come.

1 comment:

  1. heyyyy, i judge people too!! :)

    ...maybe not so much a good thing.
